Tag Archives: mobile price in pakistan

Bad effect of Smartphone on Human Health


Everyone have the perceptions that smart phones have much more benefits in different ways and in different areas. Smartphone no doubt provide thousands of benefits to consumer but at the same time they have some harm effects on health. Smartphone have made with different materials and with lot of electronic components which is manufacture with different chemicals. Like in smart phone battery which is most dangerous part of the smart phones recently in some countries it will burst and injured the users in bad way.


These smart phones have lot of other high dimension disadvantages which will become unable to overcome on them. These issues will be ignored in a wide area at any level if these problems will become prominent it will directly affect the smart phone’s companies and their revenues. This will may lead to the low prices because these damages will decrease their credibility from the market thus if they wants to increase their demand again they have to decrease their prices. Mobile Prices in Pakistan will also become low because bad economy conditions and low standard of living.

On the other hand these smart phones will leave the impact on ears if the user have long hour calls and he will attach himself to that level that all the time he listen calls and high music this will damage the nervous system . On the same time these smart phones are handled by SIM cards which is wireless and totally based on signals these waves and signals can also leave the bad impact on human health. Beside this most consumer used at night before going to sleep at that time mostly users switch off the lights and spend almost 3 to 4 hours on that smart phones which will clearly affect their eyes because these smart phones have big screen high resolution picture. These are some clear and most prominent bad effect of smart phones on human health.

Beside all these bad affects most consumer have the wish to use that smart phones because manufacturer like; Sony design such a smart phones which is much more attractive so that consumer can’t stop his emotions. Not only make their design attractive they also set the prices at reasonable prices. Sony Mobile Prices in Pakistan will become little bit lower and affordable for every general user.

Sony adopt apple Feature


Sony have big market share but they have to increase more updates in their smart phones in order to maintain him in the saturated market. Sony smart phones are considered reliable as compared to the others but have still some grey areas on which they are working to fill that gaps. Smart phones are never ended market which will grow day by day with new changes.

Sony has lot of smart phones with new features but still they are working to make their brand perfect. Thus Sony develops a smart phone which is called M2 Aqua. This smart phone have one iPhone function with this function it may give them an extra edge at market. IPhone is also one of strong brand in the market and have a strong market share but they have one drawback that their prices are always high from market expectations. This will create the discrimination in overall market that’s why Mobile Prices in Pakistan is dissimilar for every new smart phone.

Therefore iPhone have a big chunk of market with well committed customers that’s why iPhone freely done the changes and make innovations in their product. IPhone have the function that their battery is unrecoverable from their hand set and this same function will copied by Sony. In Aqua M2 Sony integrate same function with lot of other amazing features. Aqua M2 is manufactured after conducting a market survey and reports on this feature that how much consumer like this function thus they reached at that point to build like a that hand set which have irresolvable battery. If we go towards their design it is not satisfactory level their screen size is also 4.8 inches which is not liked by majority. Memory and speed is not matched to the market demand 8GB internal memory is not sufficient and only 32GB SD card will be supportable in market 128 GB SD card supported smart phones are available. These are some of their draw backs which may decrease their market share and turnover in the market.

On the other side Sony Mobile Prices in Pakistan in those handsets which are in premium quality have a high price but there are lot of models which are simple and very low prices models. Sony Xperia Aqua M2 is also one of them this is affordable by almost every general consumer.